Nothing more here than a whole chicken, lots of salt, pepper and thyme sprigs placed in the cavities. Chicken is trussed, then placed atop carrot, parsnip, rutabaga, turnips, potatoes. More thyme, some huge hunks of leek. All tossed with olive oil salt and pepper. A few good sized chunks of butter on top will help create a more golden exterior and add flavor to the roasted vegetables. I roasted a 4 pound chicken at 475 degrees for 25 minutes, then 400 degrees for 40 minutes. But taking internal temp, reaching 160+ in thigh joint, is more important than time, because of the differences in sizes of chickens. Let the chicken rest for 20 minutes.
That technique (timing and temps) is magic. Not a surprise, because it's recommended by Thomas Keller in his masterpiece work on detailed home cooking titled "Ad Hoc at Home
Tonight, a variation of this recipe will call for asparagus, broccoli, carrots, maybe some sugar snap peas......more springlike.
Here's a "huge hunk of leek":
Dang....blogger has had this problem before - it unexpectedly rotates pictures from their original format. No time to mess with it now.......sorry.
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